The Case for Autonomous Vehicles in Goods Transportation and Logistics

This white paper provides an in-depth exploration of the role of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in goods transportation and logistics. It presents a comprehensive overview of AV applications in off-road goods […]
J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Mobility Confidence Index (MCI) Study

The J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Mobility Confidence Index (MCI) Study brings together two organizations with an aligned mission to understand consumer knowledge and acceptance of fully automated, self-driving vehicles. Each […]
Safer, Cleaner, More Equitable: Seizing the Opportunities of Highly Automated Vehicles

This white paper aims to provide a holistic perspective on the benefits of autonomous mobility solutions, which operate without a human driver (also known as “self driving” or “autonomous vehicles”), […]
Unlocking a 21st Century Mobility System

This seminal report from SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) aims to reset the narrative around transportation innovation on the premise that bold action and coordinated commitment among a diverse set of […]
Whitepaper: How AVs are shaping the future of transportation

In a post-COVID world, public transportation systems across the United States have had to navigate an increasing number of challenges ranging from filling first- and last-mile gaps to staffing and […]
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Video on Self-Driving Vehicles

Xiaopeng Li, is a member of PAVE’s Academic Advisory Council and a professor of civil and environmental engineering at UW–Madison. In this short video, Xiaopeng explains what’s involved in getting […]
AV Laws – Insurance Institute for Highway Safety & Highway Loss Data Institute

This material has been prepared for general information purposes only. It is not guaranteed to be current and should be independently verified. Do not rely on it when considering how […]
Case Study: Electric Shared Autonomous Vehicles Could Significantly Reduce Noise, Air Pollution

The latest case study from SAFE’s Center for Automated Transportation Technology (CATT) shows that modest deployment of electric, shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) would result in noise and air pollution reductions, […]
When trucks drive themselves with Chris Urmson of Aurora – How I Built This with Guy Raz

Chris Urmson is one of the founding fathers of the autonomous vehicle industry. He participated in three DARPA self-driving vehicle challenges before joining the team that launched Google’s self-driving car […]
Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium – Best Practices for Testing and Development

AVSC best practice documents are the result of information sharing and collaboration between industry members. They represent an agreement on the topics that are most relevant to the safe development […]